The leaked Nokia WP7 Google

Still remember Joe Marini? Former Microsoft employee who was fired because of the existence of Nokia phones leaked Windows Phone 7 through kicauannya on Twitter.

Now, after being forced off position as a Principal Program Manager for Web Platform Windows Phone, Marini docked to Google.

Still in kicauannya on Twitter, Marini revealed that his experiences are just starting a career at Google. They occupy the field was not far from where the first, a Google Developer Advocate.

"I am very excited to start my career at Google. Peel about the future of the web and continue the work of the same people who are amazing,"

Marini departure to Google could be be better to make Microsoft's furious. Therefore, Microsoft is currently struggling popularizing the OS Windows Phone 7.

On the other hand, Google is the company behind the triumph of the Android platform which is currently a phenomenon. That is, Microsoft and Google would be head to head in the mobile realm.

Prior to his tweet about Nokia WP7 worldwide, Marini arguably just regular Microsoft employees. But this guy's name when his career skyrocketed immediately stopped in the middle of the road because Microsof concerned indulgence story tasting experience Nokia phones based on Windows Phone 7.

"I just get a chance to try the Nokia phones that are very smooth and I had never seen before. You will also soon enjoy it!" she wrote on Twitter.

In these tweetnya, Marini put hashtag WP 7 (# WP7) is quite clear that he jajal Nokia phone using the operating system Windows Phone 7.

Not only that, in his account, Martini also gives ratings for the mobile phone with a value of '8 'and comment on the camera and screen. "The camera is good, but I do not have a maximum illumination. I also liked the large display," added Martini.

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