Google X, Google's Secret Lab Futuristic Gadget

Not just dabbling in the Internet business, Google is also interested in developing a variety of futuristic products. In fact, reportedly, they have a super secret laboratory nicknamed Google X. So secret, most Google employees do not know where the laboratory is located. 

According to internal sources, Google X is located at the Google offices in Mountain View, California. Google founders, Sergey Brin deeply involved in this laboratory. So what is being done in the Google X? 

Nan imaginative ideas embodied in Google try X. One computer glasses based on Android. Cars that can run itself automatically which recently showcased Google, also developed in the laboratory. 

There's more. For example food trays computer that can be used to update Facebook. Until robots that can represent users come to the meeting. If it is successful and may bring money, then the product will be showcased. 

It is not surprising if the company's technology giants Google have any kind of laboratory of this kind. Apple also has it. Laboratory design of Apple's gadgets are fronted Jonathan Ive can only be accessed by a special person. 

Google itself does not explicitly reveal the existence of Google X. But they admit it is developing high-tech projects. Google is always investing in projects that are still in the stage of speculation, it is part of our DNA.

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