Make Browser For Samsung Galaxy?

Realizing the high sales of Galaxy smartphones, making Samsung should give more experience to users in surfing in cyberspace. This is what underlies the rumor that the South Korean vendor will make its own browser.

Standalone browser tool that reportedly has been developed by Samsung engineers are currently working on WebKit-based mobile browser.

Webkit browser engine is based on open source, and indeed the basic engine that was used to make Apple Safari and Google's Android browser.

The news is further reinforced by the news Laboratory of Advanced Software Platform at Samsung Information Systems America R & D based in Silicon Valley, has menomorkan WebKit mobile browser. So that was reported by Cnet, Tuesday (25/09/2012).

Predictably indeed, the presence of Galaxy browser to compete with Safari and Google. As is known, in February, Google launched the Chrome Mobile that claimed more advanced than existing Android browser.

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