iPad False AKA Shenzhen China

iPad False AKA Shenzhen China, IPad fever is sweeping across the world, even if Apple only sold in the United States. Much later the third party that sells the iPad to countries that have not officially selling the iPad.

But what is unique is in Shenzhen China, Shenzhen China available in the form of fake iPad tablet PC. One store in Shenzhen shows a fake iPad iPad with similar shapes but tend to be more similar to the iPhone version of the giant. false IPAD can be installed both Windows and has 3 pieces USB vitur

"This is just a rough version first," said Lin seller in Shenzhen in Cantonese. "Although not exactly the same shape, external appearance is very similar to the iPad, so we do not think it will affect our sales that much." (Quoted Info News Techno from KabarIT)

false iPad has a price 2,800 yuan or 410 U.S. dollars compared with the original membandrol iPad starting price $ 500 - $ 830.

Shenzhen is a center for the sale of counterfeit gadgets in China. Here are the iPhone, Black Berry, Mac Book and all the gadgets that hapir all fake or imitation. Some people in China are happy with these imitations gadgets to follow the trend.

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