Mobile Official Facebook Social Networking

Mobile Official Facebook Social Networking, Facebook it has worked for two years on a secret project named Buffy phone.According to reports from the All Things D, the project reportedly has teamed up with HTC to build the device with a modified version of Android to produce a device that is fully integrated Facebook mobile.

Rumors about Facebook phone has long been heard since a year ago. Because this phone is specially cultivated by Facebook then Buffy is rumored to be much different from other phones that integrate with Facebook, this phone will automatically put forward the access to social networking than other phones. Although not mentioned specifically as to what Facebook has to offer phone and this HTC.

Additionally this device will also be supporting HTML 5 as a platform for applications, allowing users to play games that are on Facebook on mobile devices. Facebook spokesman says, "Our strategy in the mobile business is simple. We think that every device will be better when he is more 'social'. And we were trying to wade through the entire mobile industry, "

Given that Google can integrate fully into the Google + Android phones, and Apple's new partnership with Facebook Twitter seems to attempt to create a special device it is necessary to keep kompeititif. And Facebook knows that the future of mobile social networking is social.

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