Mini Laptop OLPC Program

Mini Laptop OLPC Program A program for children called "The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC)" launched an inexpensive laptop with a price of only $ 75. This program will use the OLPC XO-3 tablets.

Electronista Dilasir KabarIT of XO-3 tablets, planned to have the size of a large paper envelope with a camera behind it. XO-3 tablets using thin design such as E-book Reader. The screen XO-3 tablet using the plastic backplane for LCDs to prevent rupture. This LCD display uses full touch screen to access it, including a replacement keyboard and other buttons.

At the end of the XO-3 tablet has a ring that used to hang the XO-3 tablet when not in use. These rings can be folded backward by using magnetic. XO-3 tablets mengguankan Pixel Qi display that can raise or lower the screen brightness when room lighting conditions of high or low. Using the ARM processor with a quarter-inch thickness.

In the interim, the company plans to update the XO now with the "XO-1.5," an upgrade to two times faster VIA processor, four times the RAM and flash memory is priced at $ 200 for sale this January. But the XO-1, 75, will switch to the ARM processor with the same speed but a quarter the power consumption and price of $ 150 or less.

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